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Archive for May, 2013

Goodbye my love

Today although I’ve already recieved her ashes is the day that will be marked as my lovely wife’s funeral.  Her memorial is set to begin at First Christian Church in Pennington Gap, Va (thanks to my inlaws for this) today at 2pm est. time.  Thankfully she had the foresight (thank you LORD!) to have her eulogy already written and my brother n laws had photos and I had videos of her which we combined to make a nice dvd.  This will be placed here permanently to honor her and her sweet nature for as long as the Lord lets it remain up.  It won’t be available on youtube because the songs are copywritten but on here it will not be a problem.

We are expecting a nice turnout as she was well loved by all and there will be 3 pastors speaking.  The first is the pastor of the church where we’ll be, the second is a pastor the Lord sent to my son while he was in need as my wife lay in the intensive care unit of our local hospital and the third pastor is my wife’s brother-n-law whom she requested to perform the service.  I will be reading a poem I wrote for her this week after the second pastor reads a bible passage and then we will be starting the dvd memorial video.  After this Pastor Jack Cope will be doing the memorial service and there will be food and drinks after that.  I want to thank all of those at Lamarzulli.wordpress.com for their prayers and donations.

Especially Nomemoleste,Elaine,ToGodBeTheGlory,SeashoreMary and LaMarzulli himself who is still taking donations on his main site to help me and my son through this process until I am able to recieve my disability payments.  The Lord already helped me get on a good deal of food stamps because we are without at the moment.

I also want to thank those in My Family that stepped forward to deal with the cremation costs and various other expenses.  My Mother Norma and Father Johnny Napier, my sister Crystal and her husband Eddie Hood, my sister Kelly and her husband Chip Lambert (who made the video), my brother Jonathon who was there for me when I needed him most.  To any others not mentioned and read this I will add names as they come to me or as I remember to add them.  So overlook me please because at the moment I am in quite a state of shock and yearn for a release of grief.  I am still numb and hate this feeling.  My soul wants to grieve perhaps today I will be granted this chance.

GOD bless everyone that prayed and is praying for us at this time.  My son Shawn and myself thank you all.  Especially to his first cousin Justin Johnson who loved his aunt and has stayed with my son throughout all this terrible ordeal.  Remembering she is in Heaven and rejoicing now is a comfort although I am selfish and I want her back desperately.  God’s will be done though and not my own.  He seems to have a much better head on his shoulders when it comes to these things.

GOD bless you all!