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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I thank each of you for what you are doing. I have not enough words and that is saying something if you know me at all because I am a bigmouth. *)

I have failed and I have also overcome a great deal of late. Learning through life’s tragedies and the Lord’s tests is really something. You can come out of it with great victory or even in defeat you learn great lessons.  I have had both. I want you to know I am still here though I Have strayed I am faithful. I love you all And I will always be here for you whenever you need me.  There is a great testing going on for all of us lately it seems.  We are being tried to purify us for the great rejoicing to come. Remember on HE that saved you and account yourselves worth children of the MOST HIGH GOD.  HE loves us all so very very much. We are not accounted to suffering but for great endurance and worthiness. I love you soooo very much. Thank you ALL!

Yours forever, Michael Napier.

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